Dr. Mike White Pastor Mike Rice

Reconciliation: Vertically and Horizontally

Listen to Sunday morning Sermon for November 27

Dr. Mike White Pastor Mike Rice

The Church … Who Needs It?

Listen to Sunday morning Sermon for November 13

Dr. Mike White Pastor Mike Rice

Spirit Led Evangelism

Listen to Sunday morning Sermon for October 14


Prayer Covenant

1 covenant to pray at least weekly for the following:

  1. To be led by Holy Spirit
  2. For God’s grace to recognize the Spirit’s prompting in my life
  3. For grace to respond to the Spirit’s leadership and prompting in my life
  4. For God to use me personally, and the ministry of this church to draw men, women, boys and girls to faith in Christ as never before. Ask that God, for His name’s sake, would move in such a way that we can only attribute the results to Him.