What time are the services? Sunday School? Worship?
Sunday: Sunday School – 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship – 11 a.m.
Evening Worship – 6 p.m.
Wednesday: Mid-Week Prayer Service – 7 p.m.
What are your church affiliations?
Gainsville Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist congregation. We are in agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message, adopted by the 2000 Southern Baptist Convention.
Where is your church located?
Gainsville is located at 270 Gainsville Church Road, Lincolnton. Please click here for a map.
What can I expect when visiting for the first time?
We realize that your first visit to any church can be an intimidating experience. In light of that, we have provided information below that we hope will help you feel as comfortable as possible.
- Greeters? – Located at each of our main entrances you will find a smiling face to greet you and guide you to a class, assist you in finding a seat or simply answer any questions you may have about the church.
- What to wear? Dress comfortably. While some people dress up, most wear casual and comfortable clothes on Sunday mornings. Don’t allow your dress to be a barrier.
- Worship? – Every aspect of our Sunday morning service is intended to make much or the risen Savior. The songs we sing are aimed at Christ and our Bible teaching is verse by verse.
- Child care? – We provide a secure place for Infants through 5 yr. olds during our worship and Bible study times staffed by trained adults who care for and love children.
How do I become a member of Gainsville Baptist Church?
Membership begins by talking with one of our pastors. Come forward during the invitation time of our morning worship service and request membership.
You may request membership in 3 ways:
- Baptism – This avenue of membership is for persons who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and desire to obey Christ by being scripturally baptized by immersion. Click here for information about how you can place your faith in Christ.
- Letter from another Baptist church – Perspective members are asked to articulate saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, give evidence of a life that demonstrates faith in Christ, and should have been baptized by immersion. This avenue of membership is for persons who are saved, have been baptized by immersion after salvation, and are members in good standing of another church which will transfer them by letter to Gainsville.
- Statement of faith – This avenue of membership is for persons who are saved and have been baptized by immersion after salvation but are not members of another Baptist church.
What ministries are offered for the children?
Our children’s ministry provides teaching times for our children during the Sunday School hour, children’s church for ages 2 – 5 during the morning worship hour, and nursery Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, and Wednesdays. Click here to find out more about our children’s ministry
Do you have children’s church?
Children’s church is provided for children 2 – 5-years-old. Children’s church is designed to teach our children big truths about our big God. The children will go through a study of systematic theology; meaning an organized study of who God is. Prayerfully, our goal is to raise up a generation of children who joyfully worship God with their lives.
What ministries are offered for the teenagers?
Our student ministry is for 7th – 12th graders and meeting on Sundays and Wednesdays are held in the fellowship hall. During the Sunday school hour, our students do in-depth Bible studies learning to make application of the truths of Scripture in their daily lives. Credo, meets on Wednesday nights at 6:55. Click here to find out more about our student ministry.
Does your church support missionaries?
Yes! Our desire is that the nations would hear the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. We support international and North American church planting through the Cooperative Program and special offerings. We have partnered with church planters Brian and Alyson Conyers in Waterbury, VT, and we contribute financially and participate in their mission by sending regular mission teams. For more information on the Waterbury church plant, visit www.waterburymission.org.