During the Christmas season we celebrate the coming of our Lord in human flesh and look forward to his second coming. And yet how many of us, once the holiday has passed, often feel that we scarcely celebrated the birth of the Christ child in the midst of the busyness? For this reason, we’re providing you with a tool to help you lead your home to worship and celebrate Christ this season. In successive weeks during the season of Advent, we’ll post a guide with suggested Scripture readings and thoughts to help shape your family worship time.
Suggested format:
1. Leader: privately read the explanation of what each Advent week anticipates.
2. If you like, begin some of the daily gatherings by singing together one of the songs which accompanies the week. (Song lyrics may be found on the internet, or copied from a hymnal.)
3. Read together the Scripture passage for each day.
4. Use some of the suggested questions to help your home reflect further on Christ and his coming to earth.
5. Close in prayer, anticipating the coming of our Lord.
We hope these readings will serve as helpful tools in your walk with Christ and aid you as you seek to lead your home to worship our Incarnate Lord (Deuteronomy 6:4–5).